Blog | Marketing, Branding, Print, Websites, Enews, Emails | TG Design
From DIY to DFY
Is this the year to get some help with a part of your business that’ll build momentum and keep your business growing? What part of marketing your business would you love to pass onto someone else?
Inspirational Biz Owner Spotlight : Daria Williamson
Daria Williamson - Coach, Facilitator and Trainer - When you work to your strengths, you go from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to passionate and thriving. Check out the awesome answers to five questions I gave her.
Inspirational Biz Owner Spotlight : Sarah Davies
Sarah Davies of Sweet Spot Business Coaching - working with you to create a profitable service business and scale beyond the hourly rate. Check out the awesome answers to five questions I gave her.
Inspirational Biz Owner Spotlight : Michael Baxter
Michael Baxter of Utopia – innovative and creative web solutions. Check out the awesome answers to the five questions I gave him.
Inspirational Biz Owner Spotlight : Rebecca Hannah
Rebecca Hannah of Stir Creative - creating bespoke, editable slide decks. Check out her awesome answers to the five questions I gave her.
Inspirational Biz Owner Spotlight : Katrina Pace
Katrina Pace of Collected Copy, Website Copywriting That Connects And Converts. Check out her awesome answers to the five questions I gave her.
One-Page Websites
One-page website designs are beautiful examples of order, simplicity, and conciseness. When is a one-page website useful?
Websites - A Simple Solution
At the heart of any successful business is a clear website that connects with your clients. Having the wrong words on your website can mean you’re missing out on clients who are looking to you to solve their problems. Check out the website design and copy package.
E-Newsletter Package
Get great mileage out of your articles, getting in front of many eyes, making use of your potential goldmine list! Check out the package offer.
To Template or Not To Template
There's no denying there are countless template options to be found online today to purchase for both web and print marketing requirements. But there are things you should consider before using them.
QR Codes - Do you use them, or have you forgotten about them?
More information about a product or service can be obtained quickly by scanning QR codes. This type of marketing strategy allows businesses to communicate direct to their customers via the user’s device.
JPG vs PNG: Which is best?
When it comes to picture file formats, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. With so many options for saving and exporting your images, deciding might be difficult.
Do you use it to its best ability?
Business cards are little rectangles with a lot of possibilities. They're old school but still cool. Every business card you hand out is an opportunity to gain a new customer. Are yours giving them the right message?
Take the stress out of getting online
Your clients are searching for your products and services online - there’s no question about that. To compete in today’s uber-competitive market, you need a strong online presence. We’re not talking about a DIY website and a Facebook page.
Your Marketing Options
There are many marketing options available to businesses today. Not all are needed or necessary for every business, but all businesses will have a core set of marketing items with other items tried and added over time.
How on-brand are you and your business?
You want to get in front of more clients - especially with the way things are for most businesses at the moment... But it’s frustrating when your visual branding is dated and not connecting with your market.
Why video works!
Like the old saying goes, “if a picture speaks a thousand words then a video must speak a million”. By guest blogger Frederick Müller of My Promo Video.
Customer Engagement Strategy - What Do You Use?
Do you have a customer engagement strategy for your business? What marketing channels do you use to engage with them? Are you making the most of your database?
What's Working? And What's Not?
These past months have definitely shown us the need to re-assess our businesses marketing strategies and material.
Writing words that sell
Being able to write words that sell is an essential skill needed to grow your business. By guest blogger Katrina Pace of Words for Wellness.
Email Signatures are also a sales tool
Not often thought about as a sales tool, but footers and email signatures are also a chance to sell or promote your products or services.
It's your time to shine!
But where are you? Where are you to be found? There’s been a big call to action over these past months to get a website...
Connecting at a distance
Nurture and grow your audience. As a business owner, your email list should be considered gold.
Pick 'n' Mix
Adding something new into your marketing mix can revive existing customers and attract a new audience group entirely!
Do you have 2020 vision?
What’s new for your business this year? Have you got your vision working or is it jumbled like an unmade jigsaw?
Flipping Books
How to offer your company brochure viewing options online.
A Life By Design
Get excited about the latest digital printing options for your next marketing item.
Do you have groups, segments and tags stage fright?
Mailchimp Audience Targeting Functions explained
5 Basic Types of Promotion
Do you know what they are? and are you implementing them in your business as part of your marketing strategy?
Branding Consistency
You’ve decided on your business idea, now the real work starts in building your brand.
Timing Matters in Email Marketing
When's the best day to send? Plus tips to entice your reader
Fall in love with Print all over again!
The print industry is undergoing a big revolution – finding its place alongside the online world.
An easy way to maintain healthy engagement
Email Marketing is said to be one of the strongest marketing channels.
E-books for your marketing strategy
E-books are one of the best ways to educate existing customers and attract new ones to generate leads.
Reasons not to send image only Enews
If you’re sending out your e-newsletter most entirely of images you may want to rethink that strategy.
Design is a thought process
What I take into consideration when designing.
Soapbox : Consistency
Your marketing’s layout consistency is so important.
Spreading the News
Are you putting out an e-mail Newsletter or printed Newsletter for your customers?
Why a picture is worth a thousand words
You know the old saying, A picture is worth a thousand words. Well that could hold true for your blog or business as well.
Website Options
Needing to update your website but don't know how or where to start?
Soapbox : Logo Files
Does your business have a Master Logo File?
Nice Networking
Curiosity, sincerity and a willingness to share and assist; it’s a healthy attitude when networking and the results can be very rewarding.
Payment Plans
4 Ways Customer Payment Plans Help Your Business Grow
The Zen of Work
At work, we can often face stressful situations...
Technological Change
Is Your Business Ready?
Keep Your Customers Happy
Create Your Own Disney Magic & Keep Your Customers Happy
The Human Factor in Small Business
One of first steps in scaling a business is putting more people on the job.
The Importance of Marketing to your Current Customers
Bringing in new business is and always will be important. However, marketing does not end when the ink is dry on the contract.
Effective PR for owner-operators: some cost-effective ideas to showcase your brand
Strategic marketing and PR are obviously very important to the success of local owner-operators.
7 Ways To Ensure Your Email Marketing Does The Job
We all know we should be doing newsletter marketing. It’s a good way to engage with customers...
Online or Offline Marketing?
Not everyone is Online all at once, remember Offline Marketing is just as important.
The Many Ways to Market your Business
A business begins with a name and gets a Logo designed around that. Now they’ve got to start marketing the business – but how?
The Brand Review Package
The BRP evolved from an online marketing course.
Promoting You and Your Business Online
I have been self-employed for the last seven years and in this time the world of online marketing has changed enormously.
My Thoughts and Processes
I’ve learnt the branding concept of keeping the look and feel of a company consistent across all mediums creates an identity that show consistency and therefore portrays reliability and professionalism to the market.