Marketing & branding strategy
with implementation

You know there's a problem with your marketing,
but you don't know what it is or how to fix it.
That's ok I do - let's talk!

Book a call today


If you're a business owner who can't do it all alone anymore, check out the three packages below to see which one suits you best.

You are often overwhelmed with what there is to do, how to do it, and how to keep marketing consistently.

By providing an assessment of your businesses current branding and marketing efforts, I can help you identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

With the right branding and consistent marketing you can boost your business.

It’s time to build a strong identity and marketing presence - and I can help you with that!

Book your call today

Let's find a way forward, create a plan & grow your business

Elevate & Engage Package Level 1

Marketing Kickstart

  • We’ll start with an assessment of your businesses current marketing and brand elements.
    Your Website, Social Media channels, Print items, Clients and target Audience - to find out what you're currently doing and where the gaps are.
  • Then I'll provide you with a written tailored report, designed to help understand where you're missing out on clients, and how to remedy or implement the recommendations.
  • You can then take it from there to implement the recommendations yourself – or see Level 2.
  • $500 +gst

Elevate & Engage Level 2 Package


  • We’ll start with an assessment of your businesses current marketing and brand elements.
    Your Website, Social Media channels, Print items, Clients and target Audience - to find out what you're currently doing and where the gaps are.
  • Then I'll provide you with a written tailored report, designed to help understand where you're missing out on clients, and how to remedy or implement the recommendations.
  • I'll spend up to 15 hours to resolve your biggest issues so that you can begin to attract your ideal clients.
    Starting at $1500 +gst – this will depend on the number of issues and recommendations we agree upon.
  • Once the issues are resolved and setup you can continue with the marketing recommendations.
  • Or you can choose to work with me on a monthly retainer to keep the momentum going, or I can provide you with one-off projects.

Elevate & Engage Level 3 Package

Take Over

  • We’ll start with an assessment of your businesses current marketing and brand elements.
    Your Website, Social Media channels, Print items, Clients and target Audience - to find out what you're currently doing and where the gaps are.

  • Then I'll provide you with a written tailored report, designed to help understand where you're missing out on clients, and how to remedy or implement the recommendations.

  • I'll spend up to 15 hours to resolve your biggest issues so that you can begin to attract your ideal clients.
    Starting at $1500 +gst – this will depend on the number of issues and recommendations we agree upon.

  • From there I'll provide ongoing monthly implementation of the report recommendations agreed upon - so you can focus on what you're good at doing in your business knowing your marketing is working to grow your business.

  • I'll become your marketing team member – keeping all your branding and marketing consistent across all print, website and online social media.
    Helping you to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth as your business grows.

  • Monthly retainer starting at $500 +gst – this will depend on the number of recommendations to implement we agree upon after the initial setup.

Terri Gasparich

Hi, I’m Terri

I understand how frustrating it can be when you don’t have the time or know-how to make the design changes and do the marketing strategies your business needs to stand out with confidence.

I’ve seen the value in keeping the look and feel of a company consistent across all mediums. To create an identity that shows consistency and portrays reliability and professionalism to your audience. And to use graphic design cleverly in your marketing strategy, and to consistently be seen and found online, to help you reach your business goals.

I can come alongside you to help sort out the what and how that's needed to get the most from your branding and marketing strategy, and get it done for you without wasting your time or energy trying to figure it out all on your own!

I'd love to support you in growing your business.

Let's have a chat about how I can help you!

"We have worked with Terri for several years on projects for Career Clinic that included logo development, business card and brochure design. Terri has always been very easy to work with. She listens carefully to briefs and has exceeded our expectations in the ways she has interpreted our requirements. We get a lot of compliments for the look of our printed material and this is due in large part to Terri’s flair and attention to detail."


TG Design + You = attracting the right clients made easy

Creativity isn’t just about typefaces and colour combinations. It carves out a unique identity for your business and helps you win sales from customers before they even meet you.

Terri Gasparich, TG Design

Let's figure out where you're missing out on attracting clients

Make a booking for a free
30-minute call. 

We'll review your businesses current brand and marketing and talk about the best ways to help you achieve your goals.

We'll discuss ways to help you out of the overwhelm of marketing your business.

I'll uncover the issues where you're missing out on potential clients.

Then you can choose an Elevate & Engage Package that can provide you with the best help and direction for getting your business in front of your audience.

Giving you a plan and action steps to focus your efforts on.

Attract the clients you want by having a solid brand & marketing presence. 

Don’t miss out because your brand and marketing isn’t up to scratch. Feel confident and supported that your marketing is working hard to attract clients. 

I can help you stay consistent and proactive with growing your business!

Give me a call today to schedule a virtual coffee, and let's get your business moving

Empowering you to stand out from the crowd and get excited about your business future


You want to get in front of more clients. But it’s frustrating when your branding and marketing is dated, inconsistent and not connecting with your ideal customers.

It’s time to raise the bar and remove the procrastination that comes when your brand and marketing efforts stop your business from gaining more traction.

TG Design covers many aspects of branding and marketing, so you can connect more authentically with a fresh, stylish and consistent look.

Be more confident and supported that your brand and marketing are being seen and found, and connecting with your audience.

I can’t wait to get started – helping you connect with your customers, grow your business and give you a competitive edge!


TG Design

Helping B2B NZ businesses have a consistent professional branding and marketing strategy that boosts business success, connects with your customers and gives you a competitive edge.